Shahla K.Friberg

Shahla K. Friberg

I galleriets Trädgårdshus bygger Shahla Friberg upp en grotta där ljus och ljud skapar en upplevelse för besökarna. Den ska finnas att se under hela sommaren.

Glowstone Refuge är en konstinstallation, en grotta med upplysta skulpturala mångfärgade glasformationer. De ska efterlikna upplevelser av olika naturfenomen. De genomskinliga glaskapslarna omsluter en utomjordisk livskraft med sitt pulserande sken. Detta surrealistiska landskap erbjuder ett andrum från omvärlden, en hemlig tillflyktsort där tumultartade verkligheter är dolda – en fristad där allt gott förstoras och skyddas. I denna undangömda grotta hittar godheten sitt hem och erbjuder tröst och inspiration till alla som kommer in. Shahla vill få tiden att stannar upp, så man kan fördjupa sig den energi som finns i rummet och samtidigt bli påmind om den extraordinära skönhet som finns omkring oss.

Glowstone Refuge is an immersive art installation paying homage to the marvels of nature as an escape. Illuminated sculptural glass formations, vibrantly colored, mimic the essence of natural phenomena. The translucent capsules encase an otherworldly life force within, emanating a pulsating glow that casts a mesmerizing symphony of color.

This surreal landscape offers a respite from the outside world, a secret haven where tumultuous realities are shrouded — a shelter where all things good are magnified and protected. In this hidden cave, goodness finds its home, offering solace and inspiration to all who enter.

Within the embrace of these illuminated wonders, time seems to pause, allowing you to immerse yourself in the energy that surrounds you. It is a glimpse into a world where imagination thrives, reminding us of the extraordinary beauty that exists within our realm.

Shahla K. Friberg, born in 1978 in Toronto, Canada, is captivated by the essence of light and color. Through photography, painting, and creating fragmented-chaos works using glass and mirror, she explores the interplay of disorder and harmony. Her art, activated by light, manifests in diverse ways, from deflecting and manipulating colors to encapsulating them within spaces. Viewer interaction transforms the reflections, shapes, and colors of her pieces. Relocating to a scenic Swedish nature reserve, Shahla’s perception of the world is continually shaped by the interplay of light and the untamed landscape. Her works in glass were featured in highly acclaimed Exhibitions, The Re-Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome, presented by Jeffrey Deitch Gallery and Nicodim Gallery for LA Frieze week, The Desire for Transparency, alongside Ai Weiwei, Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian, Curated by Paul Laster and Renée Riccardo for Intersect Chicago/ SOFA, and Suggested Followers at Sotheby’s New York.